The print version of my book is now available to order on Amazon. "The Weight of a Body: A Collection of Short Stories" features 12 stories set (in no particular order) Wyoming, Colorado, and Florida. The collection was originally published by Denver's now-defunct Ghost Road Press and I decided earlier in the year to republish it as an e-book and now a print version. Here's the cover:
The act of republishing on KDP Amazon entails formatting, design, and editing. I formatted my MS Word files on Draft2Digital (D2D). I then brought that over to KDP to transform it into an e-book. It took me awhile to read an e-book on my Kindle and even longer to make one. My guide through the process was writer and critique group colleague Liz Roadifer. Read her books here.
Here's a teaser from the opening story, "Roadkill:"
The shapes grew out of the smoke and fog -- three pronghorn antelope, running hard. Matthew Kincannon mashed the car's brakes and swung the wheel hard left. He missed the first two, collided with the third on its white-tufted rump which rose like a balloon before its rear legs smacked the windshield, its hooves scraping the glass like sharpened fists.
This won't be my only project on KDP. Stay tuned for news about my second collection later this year. Most of those stories are set in Wyoming and Colorado.
Ok, Mike, I will get this print version, which has a much different cover than the original I have. But, like that one, I will expect you to sign it when I track you down in the near future!
Thanks, Bob. I hope we get together in the near future. I will bring a pen. One of my writer friends coached me through the many twists and turns of the online publishing process. I currently am navigating it to publish my second book of stories which has made the rounds with publishers and hasn't found a home. I like this cover better than the original.
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