Wednesday, December 08, 2021

"The Weight of a Body" can be measured in stories

Opening of the first story in my collection, "The Weight of the Body," now available as an Amazon e-book. 


The shapes grew out of the smoke and fog -- three pronghorn antelope, running hard. Matthew Kincannon mashed the car’s brakes and swung the wheel hard left. He missed the first two, collided with the third on its white-tufted rump which rose like a balloon before its rear legs smacked the windshield, its hooves scraping the glass like sharpened fists.

Kincannon wrestled the car to a stop on the wrong side of the state highway. He had a vision of a huge logging truck red-balling down the road, smashing him like he’d smashed the antelope. Tapping the gas, he swerved back into the north-bound lane, and eased his car to a stop on the road’s shoulder.


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