Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Post-mortem, Wyoming style, on the first presidential debate

Democrats gathered tonight at Lori Brand's house in Cheyenne for a debate watching party. As always, we had a lot of fun just being together as Liberals in our decidedly un-Liberal state. We ate well, and drank fine wine and beer, as we watched the give-and-take between the candidates. Mitt looked and sounded desperate, trying to be a middle-of-the-roader in the Republican Party that is being driven over a cliff by right-wing crackpots. The moderator, Jim Lehrer, had no real part in the event. As Rachel Maddow quipped when it was concluded: "We've seen the death of this debate format." Or something like that. There was a bit of debate, but both Romney and Obama ran over the moderator. It doesn't work, and we deserve better.

Still, fun was had by all. We met some new people who heard about the event through the Obama for American site. We raised some money for state and local candidates, as well as for the Obama outreach effort from Wyoming to battleground Colorado, site of the debate. Obama needs to win Colorado to win the election. So we have to keep lobbing phone calls from The Equality State to The Centennial State until Nov. 6.

BTW, Jeran Artery of Wyoming Equality is a fine auctioneer. Thanks, Jeran.

On to the Veep debates next week!

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