If mid-summer is mid-July, then we're already past it. If it's actually 45 days into cosmological summer, we're not quite there, as that's sometime in early August.
But if we're talking growing season, we've reached the halfway mark, at least in Wyoming. First frost can come any time after Labor Day, but may not arrive until late September. But once August merges into the school year, the best growing days are gone.
I've harvested spinach, leaf lettuce and some broccoli. Spinach is gone but lettuce still leafing and broccoli still heading. Just ate the first zucchini of many more to come. Three inches long and the size of my pointer. Tasty. No yellow squash yet and the lone brookneck is not looking so good. Wonder what I did wrong there. All tomato plants are fruiting and next weekend should bring lots of cherry tomatoes. I have six house guests from Tennessee and maybe it's time to call on them for fried green tomatoes. But not crazy about that, although the Fannie Flagg book was good as was the Hollywood film. Green tomato recipes are best for the tail-end of the season, when I'm snapping the greenies off the plants in advance of north winds.
Pole beans are raging on the south side of the house where they share space with wildflowers. marigolds, and a red crabapple tree that's made it through five winters and is as high as the top of the kitchen windows.
This week, the "victory" in Victory Garden is for the triumph of the Democrats' public-option health care plan over the ignorance of the Know Nothings (you know who you are Sen. Enzi and Sen. Barrasso and Montana's confused Sen. Baucus and Nebraska's compromised Sen. Ben Nelson) and the greedheads at the insurance companies.
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