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Nancy Sindelar (left) at Occupy Casper last Saturday |
Nancy notes in her latest-mail newsletter that “Occupy Wall Street has taken hold here in Wyoming, with five actions planned in the next week.” She also points out a link to the new OWS manifesto: http://current.com/shows/countdown/videos/special-comment-keith-reads-first-collective-statement-of-occupy-wall-street
Occupy actions will take place in Jackson both Saturday and Sunday. Those in Casper, Cheyenne and Laramie are on Saturday only. A sign-making party is also planned for Cheyenne but no definitive info yet.
Here’s what we know right now:
Here’s what we know right now:
Thursday, October 13th, Jackson: Sign-making party for Occupy Wall Street event this Saturday. 7 PM, Factory Studios.1255-A Gregory Ln. Info: http://www.facebook.com/groups/242236869158039; http://www.meetup.com/occupytogether/Jackson-WY.
Saturday, October 15th, Casper: Occupy Wall Street, week two. A hundred showed up in the rain and wind last Saturday and more are expected this week. Bring signs, kids, friends & neighbors. Noon, Pioneer park, Center & B Sts. Info: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=286254034738100&ref=ts; http://www.meetup.com/occupytogether/Casper-WY. Free.
Saturday, October 15th, Cheyenne: Occupy Wall Street, demand a fairer distribution of wealth. Noon, Depot Plaza. Support not only of the Wall Street demonstrators but for the 99% of Wyomingites who are not being heard. Bring creative signs. Info: http://www.meetup.com/occupytogether/Cheyenne-WY/388492; http://www.facebook.com/pages/Occupy-Cheyenne/188084631268023; Roger McDaniel at http://facebook.com/rodger.mcdaniel.
Saturday, October 15th, Jackson: Occupy Wall Street for anyone who is fed up with the way our government is no longer representing the 99%, instead siding with corporate greed. Noon, Town Square, W. Deloney & N. Jackson Sts. Info: http://www.facebook.com/groups/242236869158039; http://www.meetup.com/occupytogether/Jackson-WY
Saturday, October 15th, Laramie: The corrupt banks and their bought politicians hurt 99% of Americans. So come stand up for what needs to be done to change the system. County Courthouse, north side, 526 E Ivinson Ave. Info: http://www.meetup.com/occupytogether/Laramie-WY/384552. (I'm assuming this is noon.)
Sunday, October 16th, Jackson: Occupy Wall Street We are the 99%. Please bring your friends, family, signs, folding chair, spirit and join us for this peaceful protest. Noon, Town Square, W. Deloney & N. Jackson Sts. Info: http://www.meetup.com/occupytogether/Jackson-WY/393072. Free.
If you are aware of a progressive-oriented event in your community, please send it directly to Nancy sindynan@juno.com. You can also sign up to get the newsletter by contacting Nancy via e-mail.
Under the Casper event you state: "A hundred showed up..."
I believe this number is a bit inflated by a little over two times. Other sources report the figure optomisticly at 50. Another at just over 40 including infants and children under 12.
Salt & Light Perspective
Were you there, Mr. Smith? Or are you sitting at home in your little slacktivist chair trying to denigrate the efforts of 40 or 50 or 99 or even 100 people who spent a few hours outside on a windy day voicing their concerns about the state of the nation? Methinks the latter.
It is quite apparent, by your spiteful remarks, that I’m a bit too active in your opinion. I’m truly sorry you feel that way.
The basis for my original comment is that of truth in reporting. As bloggers I believe that we should strive to set our standards of truth and honesty in reporting to the highest level. This is more important today than ever before, because in this information age we live in folks can find facts and spot those who lower the value of truth simply to tickle the ears of the masses. I imaging this subject will be touched upon at the writers’ conference you will be attending soon.
Salt & Light Perspective
You are correct. Accuracy should be our goal. I was using third-party figures on the Occupy Casper turnout and it appears to be a bit inflated. Since we are now focusing on truth and accuracy in reporting, are you now willing to recant right-wing Evangelical lies on homosexuality, evolution, economics, global warming, birth control, women's rights, immigration and oh so many things? Well, are you?
I’m certainly willing to discuss any and all of those topics from a Biblical perspective with you at your convenience. I’ve invited Rodger to join me in a follow-up discussion about the Civility Matters forum on sexual orientation on my internet forum Ephesians 4 Forum. He is apparently still considering my proposal. I extend a similar invitation to you Michael.
Salt & Light Perspective
Fair enough.
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