Thursday, July 30, 2009

Montana progressives stage rally at Camp Baucus, Montana, this weekend

It's clear now that votes on health care reform will not come until September. We know who's holding up progress. The U.S. Senate Finance Committee, headed up by Montana's Max Baucus, joined by minority party chief Mike Enzi of Wyoming.

They will be coming home for the August recess. I'll have details on Sen. Enzi's schedule in later posts. We do know that Sen. Baucus will be holding a fund-raiser with his high-rolling pals in the insurance industry at Big Sky Resort in Montana, one of the Rockies' ritziest hideaways. You can almost see this place from northern Wyoming. Progressive Democrats of America are holding a rally for healthcare at Big Sky Resort to alert Sen. Baucus that he is not seeing the forest of U.S. citizens for the trees of insurance CEOs.

Here are the details:

Montana Senator Max Baucus, is holding a big fund-raiser known as Camp Baucus ($5,000 per PAC or $2,500 per individual) at Big Sky, Montana, from July 31 through August 2 for the insurance industry, the pharmaceutical companies, the hospital association, bankers, and other fat cats to raise money for his "leadership" PAC.

He takes their money even while he is writing legislation that will affect health care! So Montanans for Single-Payer Health Care will be there, too. We'll rally to show Max and his corporate friends we are very displeased with what they're up to in Washington, D.C.

We're asking single-payer supporters from across the states to join us at Big Sky this Friday, July 31st from 10:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. (and Thursday as well, if enough people are interested).

Where: Big Sky, Montana. Meet at the intersection of Hwy 191 and the Big Sky road.
Bring: Your own sign, if you like (but we'll have signs available); your favorite picnic
lunch; water, pop, coffee, etc.; a hat, jacket, and sunscreen; a smile and a sense of purpose.

If you can only spend part of the day with us, or need to take a break and come back, that's fine. Come on along!

If you can come on Thursday, too (the lobbyists will be arriving both days), let us know. E-mail If enough people are interested, we'll start our stake-out of the road to Camp Baucus on Thursday, July 30.

Whatever day you can come, let us know so we can plan for the right number of supporters—and drive safely.

How to get there: Use I-90 and take exit 298 South for US 191 to Yellowstone Park. Go 38 miles south to state highway 64. Turn right. At that corner there is a convenience store where the rally coordinators will meet you. Just look for the single-payer signs and T-shirts!

In solidarity,
Margot Kidder, PDA Montana
Tim Carpenter, National Director
Conor Boylan, National Field Coordinator

I'm no expert on celebs living in Montana, but is this Margot Kidder the same one who was Superman's girlfriend way back when?


jhwygirl said...


Anonymous said...

Yep -- same Margot Kidder. She lives in Livingston.