The vice president of the United States will be in Laramie Saturday trying to convince voters to get to the polls and vote Republican. Vice President Dick Cheney will participate in a Republican Rally at 8:30 a.m. Saturday at Laramie High School. The event will be an RSVP-list event and those interested in attending need to submit their name to the Wyoming GOP Headquarters at (307) 234-9166.
Wonder how you can hold a non-public rally at a public high school? But that's what happened a few years ago when Cheney visited his old haunts at the Wyoming State Capitol. The doors were closed to the common people. Usually Cheney is holding $10,000 a plate fund-raising dinners that are closed to the public due to the fact that not every Dick and Jane can afford $10,000 for a plate of rubber chicken.
“Because Vice President Cheney is a Republican, we are encouraging everybody to support Republican candidates,” said Tammy Johnson, head of the Albany County Republicans. “It is to rally Republicans and to make people excited about getting out and voting.”
I know that Cheney's appearance will encourage Wyoming Democrats to go out and vote for Democrats. None of us want to see another Cheney-like creature in the president's or vice-president's house. Let's just hope he doesn't return to Wyoming once he's booted from D.C.
Durn, I'm going to miss it. I've faithfully been there every time he's come to town, just to be sure he knows how welcome he is.
Two years ago he was at the high school, trying to drum up the base to vote for Babs C., and she squeeked by. We stood with our signs outside, security was so slow that the line waiting to enter had enough time to read each of our 200 signs twice.
About 6-700 tickets were given out in 2006, a third of them blue for the non-believers. That was on Homecoming game day. This year we have a disappointing football team, and who wants to leave for Laramie at Oh-Dark-Thirty to see a lame duck?
I hope someone gets an accurate head count. It will be nteresting to find out how many were able to make reservations with only about 48 hours heads up.
nancy S.
Its really nice information
thanks for sharing with us .
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