Saturday, June 28, 2008

Gov. Dave and Gov. Bill on "Meet the Press"

The Associated Press reported yesterday that Tom Brokaw will interview Wyoming Gov. Dave Freudenthal and Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter on NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday. Some of the show will be taped today at Jackson Hole Golf and Tennis Resort.

"The West: Battleground 2008," is the topic of the show. Freudenthal and Ritter -- both Democrats -- will be discussing crucial issues in the November election. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Republican governor of California, will also be on the show but his part will be taped at another location.

The govs are in Jackson for the annual Western Governors Association meeting, which begins on Sunday. Brokaw will be speaking at the conference.

While the WGA includes governors of both parties, it is cool to note that all the govs on the Rocky Mountain Front are Democrats: Freudenthal, Ritter, Schweitzer (Mont.), and Richardson (N.M.). While that doesn't necessarily translate into a Democratic victory in November's presidential race, it does mean that Dems in those states have an ally in the state house. And all of these governors know how to work with the opposition because they have to. That goes double for Wyoming.


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