Saturday, March 08, 2008

Lines around the block for county caucus

The votes are being counted during lunch, but even before we know the numbers, it's obvious that thousands of people turned out for today Democratic Party caucuses in Cheyenne. I arrived at 7:30 a.m., and by the time the doors opened at 8, the lines snaked around the corner of the downtown parking garage.

We woefully underestimated the number of Democrats who would show up for the caucus. We guessed 500 to 1,000 would come. We rented a bigger building that seats 1,500. We planned for multiple registration tables. We had lots of volunteers. But still the Dems filed in the doors of the Civic Center, so many that we had to hold the balloting in two shifts.

That didn't seem to dampen the enthusiasm of the attendees (see above).

I have to get back to the action before the delegate selection process begins. More later...


jhwygirl said...

I was looking for you during today's multiple CNN live no avail.

Camera shy?

RobertP said...

Mike, looks like Obama won Wyoming, congratulations. Hope Chris takes it ok. Great to see so many turn out, need to keep this momentum going into November.

Yeah, I was expecting to see your picture or hear you quoted, maybe we just missed it?

Michael Shay said...

Alas, when you're working the crowd and manning ballot boxes and dealing with assorted emergencies, you don't get yourself on the tube. Chris and I were down in front but off to the side when we did sit down. It was one rush of a day.

RobertP said...

Mike, easy to see why you are a writer and not a politician. By the way, my daughter called very excited about the Obama win and convinced that my friend Mike had personally brought him the victory in Wyoming. I told her that you might have had some "helpers", but that she essentially was correct.

Michael Shay said...

Bob, your daughter is wise beyond her years.