Monday, March 19, 2007

Bush family fiddles, Iraq burns

From "Why aren't the Bush daughters in Iraq," a piece by Kitty Kelly in the L.A. Times March 19, the fourth anniversary of the start of the Iraq War:

The president tells us Iraq is a "noble" war, but his wife, his children and his nieces and nephews are not listening. None has enlisted in the armed services, and none seems to be paying attention to the sacrifices of military families. Until Jenna's recent trip to Panama [with UNICEF], the presidential daughters performed community service only when mandated by a court after they were cited for underage drinking. Since then they have surfaced in public during lavish presidential trips with their parents, bar-hopping outings in Georgetown and champagne-popping art openings in New York. The first lady, so often lauded for her love of literacy, has not been seen in the reading rooms of veterans' hospitals.

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