Friday, December 01, 2006

Soak Rich Repubs for War Tab

I have to agree with The Left Coaster in this recent post:

As I mentioned last week, the Pentagon will come forward with a request for another $127 billion supplemental request for Iraq and Afghanistan in FY 2007, primarily to pay for the damage Bush’s foreign policy has done to our military. Bush has broken the military and now needs all this money to pay for his recklessness, as well as to support a war that he has heretofore put on the charge card. The Democrats should demand under the new pay-as-you-go rules, which the GOP is about to support, that the upper income tax cuts are gone immediately, as should be a host of corporate tax breaks and giveaways. The free ride for the wealthy and our corporations is over. It’s time for them to shoulder the sacrifice they have avoided for these last five years while our troops die overseas for Bush’s negligence.

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