What about Wyoming's lone rep Cynthia Lummis? Couldn't John Boehner find a place at the top of the House Finance Committee for a Republican woman who served as Wyoming's state treasurer for eight years? This delicious blurb (and photo array) comes from Daily Kos: It didn't take Jennifer Bendery at Huffington Post long to figure out what 100% of the new GOP House committee chairmen have in common, as she reports in House Committee Chairs Will All Be White Men In Next Congress. |
Besides the women committee chairs, notice all the dark skinned people they attracted with their inner city minority out-reach programs.
Also, this can not easily be spotted. - Are any of the guys gay??
Looks like a new version of Hollywood Squares. Washington Squares? With the smug face of failed Repub Veep candidate Paul Ryan smack dab in the middle.
Pretty poignant illustration of just how homogenized the GOP still is. I hope they never understand how poorly they represent how diverse this country really is. It makes my job so much easier.
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