Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Radio interview from the DNC: Ken McCauley, Air Force veteran, isn't disappointed in Pres. Obama

From Cheyenne resident and USAF veteran Ken McCauley, a Wyoming delegate at the DNC:
Pete Laybourn [former member of the Cheyenne city council] is providing updates on 1480-AM KRAE in Cheyenne every morning at 7:45-8:00 a.m. I was his guest this a.m. and talked about how the GOP is pressing a message that Americans should be dissatisfied with our President. I gave a list of reasons I am NOT dissatisfied with President Obama, and focused my comments on military issues. Specifically:
As a veteran, I wasn’t disappointed when President Obama:

· Ended the war in Iraq, bringing our soldiers home after a decade of fighting.

· Began the process of drawing down troops in Afghanistan

· Ended the stop-loss policy that kept soldiers in Iraq/Afghanistan beyond their enlistment date.

· Ended the media blackout of war casualties so the American people know the true cost of war.

· Provided troops with better body armor and approved funding for the Mine Resistant Ambush Vehicle.

· Improved conditions at Walter Reed and other military hospitals.

· Improved benefits for veterans, including mental health services and treatment for traumatic brain injury.

· Made the hard decision to deploy additional troops when needed in Afghanistan. He campaigned that he would refocus on Afghanistan to locate bin Laden, and he did!

· Killed Osama Bin Laden and eliminated several other top al Qaeda leaders, including tracking terrorists in Pakistan, Yeman, an Somalia.

• Ordered the Pentagon to cover expenses of families of fallen soldiers if they wish to be on site when the body arrives back in the US.

• Ordered a review of the existing “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy on gays in the military (2010)

• Improved the GI Bill for returning veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan. 

• Eliminated co-payments for veterans who are catastrophically disabled.

• Signed The Families of Fallen Heroes Act, which covers the moving costs of immediate family members of those lost in service.

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